GO Desi Imli Pop

Go Desi Imli Pop – Regional Indian Lollipops

The startup GO desi is fast becoming a favourite brand of children and mothers alike. Go Desi Imli Pop is a traditional lollipop with regional Indian flavours made especially to revive the forgotten flavours of the rural India. It is made by hand by women and rural entrepreneurs.

These go desi Imli pop are Tangy lollipop with jaggery, tamarind and a variety of Indian Spices.

GO Desi Imli Pop

What is Inside?

The go desi imli pop is packed inside a thin plastic wrapping. It comes as a small mixture of tamarind, jaggery and spices pasted to the top of a wooden Ice cream stick. It is very well packed and contains the exact right amount of product in one stick. The company also claims that there is no sugar in the product, which is a plus for all the mothers.

Go Desi Imli

How does it taste?

It taste very different from the normal sweet chocolates and candies we are used to eating. It has a very tangy taste with sweetness and spices that hit the right taste in the mouth. The lollipop sweet as well as spicy at the first bite. You cannot stop eating at just one. They remind us of our childhood with tamarind bars that were available only in special shops near our rural native homes.

Go Desi lollipop

What is the Price?

These Go Desi Imli pop are very economically priced. Each stick costs Rs.5 in the market. The sticks however are not available in single packs or small sized packs easily. Their website as well as Amazon contain only big packets or combo packs. We found a small trial size pack with four sticks on Bigbasket.

Go Desi Imli Pop - Final verdict

Desi lollipops are a treat if you are bore from the regular chocolates. Take a break from the sugar filled chocolate bars and do give a try to these Indian tasting Lollipops. They are well worth the price and worth a try. It can bought online on their website or on Amazon as well.